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Link to sign-up to SING.

Photos from our 11/3/2024 Concert

Community Music Project is committed to producing high-quality vocal music in Chautauqua County NY and has been for the past 40 years. CMP is proud to stand behind CMPSINGS and encourages all to raise their voice in singing!

The CMP Chorale celebrates our common humanity, using the power of singing together to connect as a community, creating a feeling of togetherness in a collective musical endeavor. We are so proud of our 80+ members of the CMP Chorale. This group was founded in 2018 by,  Community Music Project, which has been bringing music to the Jamestown area since 1982.

Sing Together ~ Stay Together


"Simply put, singing in the CMP Chorale brings me joy and makes me happy" K.Alm 2019

More great music.
More great friends!

CMP Mission Statement

"To build community by providing educational opportunities and encouraging participation in music expression through programs for composers, performers, and listeners of all ages and skill levels in a variety of musical styles."

CMP offers so many opportunities to us in our community!

The shared interest that binds us together is SINGING.

Community Music Project~Human Resources Bld D ~ 715 Falconer St.~Jamestown NY~ 14701

'Cause Music Promotes Community

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